Date: 2023-10
Author: Sharmi Surianarain
License: License Type: CC BY-NC-ND
Domain: Persuading with Data
Subdomain: Telling Stories with Data
Type of Resource: Example Project
This presentation aims to capture the economic value of unpaid care work, which amounts to about 16 billion hours daily on a global basis. Surianarain draws on data to convey the immense scale and importance of caregiving, arguing that unpaid care work is what makes many forms of paid work possible. She then advocates for new workplace norms that might better accommodate this unpaid caregiving that paid workers often perform alongside their day jobs. This presentation’s 5-minute length makes it especially valuable as a model for student assignments.
Keywords: Data Storytelling Care Work Persuading with Data
MLA Citation: Surianarain, Sharmi. ‘Caregiving is Real Work.’ TED Talk, 2023.