Understanding Data


“Understanding data” is a crucial literacy domain for helping students develop the critical, ethical, and rhetorical impulses needed to define data; understand its complicated relations to power, privilege, oppression, and liberation; and imagine ethical and responsible ways of working and advocating with data toward more just futures.

The resources offered under this literacy domain push students to ask critical questions about data such as:

  • What is “data”?
  • How and why does data ethically matter?
  • What critical habits toward data are important to develop?
  • What rhetorical dimensions of data need to be considered?
  • What is data advocacy? And how can we think rhetorically about data advocacy and do data advocacy ethically and responsibly?

Defining Data

Resources for this literacy domain offers students opportunities to explore what data is from a variety of disciplinary and professional perspectives. Students are especially encouraged to explore the important links between data, contexts, people, organizations, and power.

Sample Toolkit Resources

Critiquing Data

Resources for this literacy domain introduce students to critical data studies, data feminism, and other critical frameworks for interrogating how data yields power in various contexts and who benefits and does not benefit from such data use. In addition to these frameworks, resources in this literacy domain offer readings, activities, and assignments to help students hone their critical abilities to evaluate existing data sets, examples of data advocacy, and real-world scenarios concerning data ethics.

Sample Toolkit Resources

Acting Ethically with Data

Resources for this literacy domain introduce students to data ethics in order to help students better understand the significance of transparency, accountability, agency, and privacy, among other matters, when working with data.

Sample Toolkit Resources

Thinking Rhetorically about Data

This literacy domain introduces students to the art of rhetoric and the practice of data advocacy. Resources include an overview of rhetorical data studies and an explanation of how this approach can not only help students deepen their understanding about data but also assist their doing of data advocacy in ethical, persuasive, and just ways. Examples of data advocacy projects, delivered in multiple and diverse genres, are also included.

Sample Toolkit Resources